7. Beni, will you ........the window, please. C. some A.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari emeldasariemeldasari pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

7. Beni, will you ........the window, please. C. some A. push B. close D. cut 8. Dini Safira, will you do this for......... A. she B. me C. you D. they 9. Rizki ramdhan: What time should I come to your house? Maisa: The invitation is...ten. A. in B. at C. on D. for 10. We went to the village two days ago. I liked the weather, it was cool, and it had beautiful scenery. There're many paddy field, they're so gree4n and fresh. These are the village situation, except.... A. The weather is cool B. The scenery is beautiful C. Green paddy field D. The paddy had cultivated 11.Dea: Can you help me? Do you know where the post office is? Grad: Of course. It's on jalanmerbabu. It means that Grad.... A. knows the location of the post office B. doesn't know about the post office C. will go to the post office D. knowns the post officeBantuu jawabb sekarang juga kakkk​
7. Beni, will you ........the window, please. C. some A. push B. close D. cut 8. Dini Safira, will you do this for......... A. she B. me C. you D. they 9. Rizki ramdhan: What time should I come to your house? Maisa: The invitation is...ten. A. in B. at C. on D. for 10. We went to the village two days ago. I liked the weather, it was cool, and it had beautiful scenery. There're many paddy field, they're so gree4n and fresh. These are the village situation, except.... A. The weather is cool B. The scenery is beautiful C. Green paddy field D. The paddy had cultivated 11.Dea: Can you help me? Do you know where the post office is? Grad: Of course. It's on jalanmerbabu. It means that Grad.... A. knows the location of the post office B. doesn't know about the post office C. will go to the post office D. knowns the post officeBantuu jawabb sekarang juga kakkk​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


8. B. close

9. B. at

10. D. The paddy had cultivated

11. A. knows the location of the post office

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Last Update: Sun, 05 Mar 23