Read the following text carefully. Hello, my name is Ahmad

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ridhoherdiansyahridh pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Read the following text carefully. Hello, my name is Ahmad Ghozali. I am fourteen years old. I go to school at SMPN 4 Surakarta. This time, I will tell you my today's schedule. Today is Thursday. So, this is my Thursday's schedule. My Thursday lesson starts with Mathematics. Mrs. Wili will teach us Mathematics for two hours lesson. He will teach us from a half past seven until nine o'clock. Then, Mr. Manto will teach us Javanese language. He will teach us from nine o'clock until a quarter to ten. Then, we will have a first break. The first break will be held for thirty minutes. So, we must go to the class at a quarter past ten. Mr. Haris will teach us Social Science for two hours lesson. He will teach us from a quarter past ten until a quarter to twelve. Then, we continue to the next lesson, which is Music Art. Mr. Tejo will teach us from a quarter to twelve until a half past twelve. Then, we will have a second break until one o'clock. For moslem students, they can pray dzuhur during the second break. Then, we will continue our lesson, which is Civic until a quarter to two. Mr. Sardi will teach us Civic. Then, we go home. Task 2 eMake a schedule based on the text above. Write in the table below. My Thursday Schedule No. Writing Time Picture: A student Source: Lesson​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


ini pertanyaan nya mana ya

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Last Update: Tue, 09 May 23