on the lyrics "Que sera sera", answer the following

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on the lyrics "Que sera sera", answer the following c 1. What is the theme of the song? What is the song about? 2. 3. What does the word "I" refer to? . If we translate "The future's not ours to see" it will be 5. After you read, what moral value can you learn from rity ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


The theme of the song is about accepting the uncertainty of the future and embracing whatever comes. The song expresses the idea that worrying about the future is pointless and that it's better to let things happen as they will.

There is no clear indication of who the word "I" refers to in the song. It could be the singer or any other person.

"Que sera sera" means "Whatever will be, will be" in Spanish. The phrase is used to express the idea that the future is unpredictable and that it's better to accept this uncertainty rather than worrying about it.

"The future's not ours to see" means that we cannot predict the future with certainty, and that it's better to accept this fact and not worry too much about what will happen.

From the song, one can learn the moral value of acceptance and resilience. It teaches us to accept the things we cannot change and to have the courage to face whatever comes our way.

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Last Update: Mon, 03 Jul 23