Tell the story again in your own words King midas

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Tell the story again in your own words King midas and the golden touch

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King Midas was a wealthy king who was known for his great wealth and prosperity. One day, the god Dionysus visited Midas and offered to grant him one wish. Midas, being a greedy man, wished that everything he touched would turn to gold.

At first, King Midas was overjoyed with his new power and he turned everything he could into gold - flowers, fruits, even his clothes and furniture. But soon, he realized the terrible truth of his wish. He could no longer touch his wife, children, or food without turning them into gold.

King Midas was devastated and begged Dionysus to take back his wish. The god told Midas to go to the river Pactolus and wash his hands in its waters, and his wish would be reversed. King Midas immediately went to the river and washed his hands, and was relieved to see that he was no longer able to turn everything into gold.

King Midas learned his lesson and realized that wealth and power were not everything, and that there were more important things in life, like family and friends. From then on, King Midas lived a more humble and content life, grateful for what he had and never wishing for more.


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Last Update: Mon, 08 May 23