buat kalimat present tense (+),(-),(?) masing masing 5 kalimat bersertta

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Buat kalimat present tense (+),(-),(?) masing masing 5 kalimat bersertta rumus dan verb nya​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



(+) S + V1 + O

(-) S + do/does not + V1 + O

(?) do/does + S + V1 +O



1. + my father often fixes the broken

- my father does not often fixs broken

? does my father often fix the broken?

2. + The children play football in the yard

- the children do not play in the yard

? do the children play football in the yard

3. + the girls wear blue skirt

- the girls do not wear blue skirt

? do the girls wear blue skirt?

4. + the woman buys some fruits

- the woman does not buy some fruits

? does the woman buy some fruits?

5. + the old lady drives her old car

- the old lady does not drive her old car

? does the old lady drive her old car?


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Last Update: Tue, 17 Jan 23