the golden tree Once upon a time, long ago, in

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The golden treeOnce upon a time, long ago, in a small village three times bigger than the village itself and in that palace there lived a king. the king wants to be rich.

One day, the king promised one of his gardeners three million gold coins if he could plant trees all year long to produce rich golden fruit. the gardener searched the whole country but he could not find the right seeds to grow a tree that would produce golden fruit.

So finally he went to see the wise old owl that lived deep in the forest and knew all about many things. A wise owl tells him what to do and where to go to get the right seeds to plant. the gardener sends exactly where he is told and does exactly what he's told. He planted seeds and gave him water, fertilizer and waited. suddenly the tree jumped so fast it made the gardener jump.

The gardener watched as the tree began to produce rich golden fruit. he ran back to the palace and brought the king to see the tree. When the king had been standing there long enough, staring at him with his mouth open, the gardener asked for three million of his coins. so the king was angry at the request and the gardener took his money and went home and lived happily ever after.

1. "the king promised one of his gardener" "his" refers to?...

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"the king promised one of his gardener" "his" refers to?...

=to the king


arti: sang raja berjanji kepada salah satu tukang kebun nya


makna his dalam kalimat tersebut menunjukkan kepemilikan "his gardener" berarti tukang kebun milik sang raja jadi "his" mengacu pada sang raja

semoga membantuuu!!..

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Last Update: Sat, 15 Apr 23