There are different kind of fabrics. Fabrics such as cotton,

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There are different kind of fabrics. Fabrics such as cotton, linen, wool and silk are made of natural fibres, which come from plants and animals. Fabrics can also be made of plastic, or a mixture of plastic and natural fibres. Fabrics have different properties. For example, some are tough, while others wear away quickly. Fabrics are used around the house to make clothes, curtains, towels and furniture coveringsCari kalimat
1. Class/kinds:
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4. Functions:

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There are several different classes of fabrics, including cotton, linen, wool and silk, which are made of natural fibres sourced from plants and animals. Additionally, synthetic fabrics which are composed of plastic or a combination of plastic and natural fibres are also available. Depending on their construction, fabrics can have a range of different characteristics, such as being tough or wearing away quickly. Fabrics are used in many different applications, including making clothing, curtains, towels and furniture coverings.

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Last Update: Tue, 16 May 23