For number 9-12 based on the second textRead the text

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dnisa3840 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

For number 9-12 based on the second textRead the text carefully

Mr. Hasan lives next to my house. Mr. Hasan usually works at 09.00 o'clock.

He is a hard worker. He serves some customers to sew many kinds of dresses as shirt, trousers and school uniform. His wife is Mrs. Anisa. She always helps him. They have two workers. they are working in the room. The room is very large. There are four sewing mechines in the room. Mr. Hasan usually checks their sewing mechines before using them. Mr. Hasan is making paterns for a pair of trousers. The sewers are sewing shirts and school uniforms. Mrs. Anisa is serving a customer. She is measuring the paterns. They look very busy, because they have to finsih a large number of clothes. They stop working at 15.00 o'clock.

10. What does Mr. Hasan do before sewing clothes?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Mr. Hasan checks their sewing mechines before using them.


In the text:

Mr. Hasan lives next to my house. Mr. Hasan usually works at 09.00 o'clock.

He is a hard worker. He serves some customers to sew many kinds of dresses as shirt, trousers and school uniform. His wife is Mrs. Anisa. She always helps him. They have two workers. they are working in the room. The room is very large. There are four sewing mechines in the room. Mr. Hasan usually checks their sewing mechines before using them. Mr. Hasan is making paterns for a pair of trousers. The sewers are sewing shirts and school uniforms. Mrs. Anisa is serving a customer. She is measuring the paterns. They look very busy, because they have to finsih a large number of clothes. They stop working at 15.00 o'clock.

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Last Update: Thu, 08 Jun 23