Buatlah percakapan bahasa Inggris tema bebas, minimal 2 percakapan Tolong

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Zrka02 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Buatlah percakapan bahasa Inggris tema bebas, minimal 2 percakapan

Tolong ya kak :)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


~Hi mari saya bantu menjawab xD ~

percakapan 1 :

Shifa : lizi are you busy today ?

lizi : Not really, what's up ?

Shifa : Would you please help me do my assignment ?

lizi : no problem, what can i do for you ?

Shifa : my teacher asked me to write a little and send it to one of my classmates, but I never do that before, please tell me how to do it.

lizi : alright have you written the letter ?

Shifa : yes, here it is

lizi : ok now get an envelope and do you have a Stamp ?

Shifa : yes, Daddy have me a 1500 rupiahs Stamp yesterday here it is

lizi : great now frist put the letter inside the envelope. then seal the envelope with the glue

Shifa : like this ?, then, what's next ?

lizi : now, write you friend's address and the Zip code at the front part of the envelope. then write your name and address at the back part of it.

Shifa : aha i know. now i must stick the Stam at the front part right ?

lizi : that's right well now you can send it from the post office or just put in into the mail bus

Shifa : thanks a lot, lizi, you're the best I'II go to the mail bus now.

lizi ' you're welcome, take care Shifa

percakapan 2 :

Mr.ngadimin : hello boys do you sitting here with me ?

evan : no not at all, sir thank you so much

Mr. Ngadimin : have a seat evan so what do you have for breakfast, boys ?

Mario : we are having fried rice and hot tea, uncle Ngadimin. what's about you ?

Mr. Ngadimin : just bread and cheese spread for me. and of course a cup of coffee milk

evan : so breakfast is ready shall we eat now ?

Mr. Ngadimin : yes, let's eat but shall we pray frist ?

Mario : of course

I hope this help :)


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Last Update: Sun, 09 Oct 22