teman" bantuin saya jawab yahh dari no 5-10!!jawabnya pakai whom,which,whose

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aurelia12371 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Teman" bantuin saya jawab yahh dari no 5-10!!

jawabnya pakai whom,which,whose

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Fill in the gaps by using relative pronouns "whom; which; whose"




5. The boy whom you saw in the picture costume was attending a halloween party.

Penjabaran :

Jika dijabarkan ke dalam 2 kalimat , relative pronoun “whom” menggantikan pronoun posisi sebagai obyek “him”

The boy was attending a halloween party.

You saw him in the picture costume.

6. Few people understood what the storyteller whom they had seen at the library was saying.

Penjabaran :

Jika dijabarkan ke dalam 2 kalimat, relative pronoun”whom” menggantikan pronoun posisi sebagai obyek “him/her” ( the storyteller )

Few people understand what the stroyteller was saying.

The had seen him /her at the library

7. the parents whose children are participating in the play are sitting in the second row of the auditorium .

Penjabaran :

Jika dijabarkan ke dalam 2 kalimat, relative pronoun “whose” menggantikan kepemilikan orang “their”

The parents are sitting in the second row of the auditorium

Their children are participating in the play

8. My sister spent an entire afternoon playing with the clothes which she found in the basement

Penjabaran :

Jika dijabarkan ke dalam 2 kalimat, relative pronoun”which” menggantikan obyek kata benda jamak “them”

My sister spent an entire afternoon playing with the clothes.

She found them in the basement.

9. The boy whom i was speaking to is a budding poet

Penjabaran :

Jika dijabarkan ke dalam 2 kalimat, relative pronoun “whom” menggantikan obyek dalam preposisi ‘to”

The boy is a budding poet

I was speaking to him.

10. The girl whose stories were published in a book is known for writing stories with very interesting endings.

Penjabaran :

Jika jabarkan  ke dalam 2 kalimat, relative pronoun “whose” menggantikan kepemilikan “her”

The girl is known for writing stories with very interesting endings.

Her stories were published in a book.




Is a dependent clause which modifies  its noun/pronoun by using relative pronouns ( who; whom;which;that; whose; where ). Adjective clause uses relative pronouns to connect the dependent clause to the independent clause in order  to give more detail information for each described noun.

So, relative pronoun  digunakan sebagai  penghubung untu penggabungan 2 kalimat kesamaan informasi  dari kata benda/orang yang dijabarkan.

Harap diingat bahwa penempatan relative pronoun berada dibelakang benda/ orang yang dijabarkan.


Digunakan untuk menjabarkan orang ( people )

Berfungsi pengganti posisi subyek  

Example :

I thanked the girl  who helped me  ( Saya berterima kasih ke perempuan yang telah menolong saya )

Jika dijabarkan menjadi 2 kalimat , relative pronoun “who” menggantikan posisi subyek “she”

I thanked the girl

She helped me


Digunakan untuk menjabarkan kata benda ( thing ; animal )

Berfungsi pengganti posisi subyek; obyek


The English grammar which is on the table is mine.

Jika dijabarkan menjadi 2 kalimat, relative pronoun “which” akan menggantikan posisi subyek “it”

The English Grammar is mine

It is on the table


Digunakan untuk menjabarkan orang ( person/people )

Hampir sama dengan penggunaan relative pronoun “who” tetapi relative pronoun “whom” berfungsi  sebagai pengganti posisi obyek  

Example :

The man whom we saw yesterday night was Mr. John

Jika dijabarkan menjadi 2 kalimat, relative pronoun “whom” akan menggantikan posisi obyek pronoun “him.”

The man was Mr. John

I saw him yesterday night


Digunakan untuk menjabarkan benda ( thing) dan orang ( people ) pada penggunaan percakapan informal.  

Example :

I like the movies that have adventure stories.

ATAU I like the movies O have adventure stories.

Relative pronoun”that” memberikan tambahan informasi kata bendanya “movies.” Penggunaan “that” bisa dihilangkan.


Digunakan untuk menjabarkan kepemilikan orang dan benda

Relative pronoun “whose’ menggantikan possesive pronoun  ( his, her, their and its )

Example :

I know the man whose car was stolen.

Jika dijabarkan ke dalam 2 kalimat, relative pronoun “whose” menggantikan possesive pronoun “his”

I know the man

His car was stolen.


Digunakan untuk menjabarkan tempat / lokasi.

Example :

The house where the widow lives is very old.

Jika dijabarkan ke dalam 2 kalimat, relative pronoun”where” menggantikan keterangan petunjuk lokasi “there.”

The house is very old

The widow lives there .




GRADE        = SHS

CODE         = 5

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Last Update: Sat, 27 Jul 19