tuliskan rumus tenses,simple present tenses,simple past tenses,simple future tenses,beri masing

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tuliskan rumus tenses,simple present tenses,simple past tenses,simple future tenses,beri masing 5 contoh ( +,-,? )​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Rumus simple present tense yaitu

(+) subject + verb 1

(-) Subject + do/does + not + verb 1

(?) Do/does + subject + verb 1?

Rumus simple past tense yaitu

(+) subject + verb 2

(-) Subject + did + not + verb 1

(?) Did + subject + verb 1?

Rumus simple future tense yaitu

(+) subject + will + verb 1

(-) Subject + will + not + verb 1

(?) Will+ subject + verb 1?


Contoh kalimat simple present tense yaitu

(+) I drink a glass of milk everyday.

(-) I don't drink a glass of milk everyday.

(?) Do I drink a glass of milk everyday?

Contoh kalimat simple past tense yaitu

(+) I slept on the sofa last night.

(-) I didn't sleep on the sofa last night.

(?) Did I sleep on the sofa last night?

Contoh kalimat simple future tense yaitu

(+) She will come to my house tomorrow.

(-) She will not come to my house tomorrow.

(?) Will she come to my house tomorrow?

Pelajari lebih lanjut contoh simple present tense pada yomemimo.com/tugas/2916271

Contoh simple past tense pada yomemimo.com/tugas/4978137

Contoh simple future tense pada yomemimo.com/tugas/11486051


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Last Update: Wed, 01 Apr 20