help me i'm having trouble​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari alvianilham112 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Help me i'm having trouble​
help me i'm having trouble​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


(2) (a) Wake up

(b) wash

(c) have

(d) eat

(e) drink

(f) speak

(g) get

(h) play

(i) help

(j) go

(3) Bima wakes up early in the morning, then he goes out to exercise, after exercising he takes a bath then he eats breakfast. After having breakfast bima walks to school, at school he learns with his friends, after class bima plays basketball with his friends, after a long day of playing and learning Bima goes home and takes a shower, then he eats his lunch, and after lunch he studies and does his homework, after a long day of working hard, Bima goes to sleep to get energy for the next morning.

(4) (1) Kangaroo is my favorite animal in the zoo

(2) It has three unique characteristics

(3) First, it only lives in australia

(4) No other kangaroo is in any parts of the world

(5) Second, it has a special pouch in it's belly

(6) It carries its baby in it everywhere

(7) The last one, it has very strong legs

(8) It uses them to hop from place to place

(im sorry, i can't do number 5 as it needs you to tell *your* opinions)


Hope this helps, im sorry if i answered anything wrong

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Last Update: Wed, 27 Apr 22