3. Kirana's tablet is 10 inch and Yongki's is also

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari auliazeny3 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

3. Kirana's tablet is 10 inch and Yongki's is also 10 inch. From the sentences we can conclude that...A. Kirana's tablet is as wide as Yongki's
B. Kirana's tablet is as thick as Yongki's
C. Yongki's tablet is cheaper than Kirana's
D. Yongki's tablet is bigger than Kirana's​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

We can conclude that:


A. Kirana's tablet is as wide as Yongki's.



Comparison degree is used when to compare something with any compared object(s) so able to find out which one is good, better, or the best. Choice in comparing between the subject and the object are necessary. Sometimes, if both are the same, it is unable to choose one because there are no differences. Comparing objects normally using than before the objects. We use one and few two syllables by adj+-estand few two syllables and more usemore + adj.

Comparing which is the best one called as superlative degree that means a statement to be used for choosing which one has a better quality or quantity. Normally it begins with be-verb + the + (most) / adjective / -est. We use one and few two syllables by adj+-estand few two syllables and more usemost + adj.

If we can't choose which one is better or the best because they both are the same called as positive degree that means a statement to be used for declaring subject and object have similarities.


Untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas, kita mesti memahami bentuk-bentuk dari comparison degree dan mencermati soal agar tidak keliru dalam menjawab pertanyaannya.

Pernyataan di atas menyatakan ukuran suatu benda yang dimiliki bahwa tablet milik Kirana berukuran 10 incidan miliki Yongkisama seperti miliknya. Maka ini disebut sebagai perbandingan setara karena benda yang dibandingkan (subyek dan obyek) memiliki nilai yang tidak berbeda sehingga tidak ada pemilihan. Jadi ini menyatakan bentuk positive degree.

Dalam menggunakan positive degree umumnya kita menggunakan be-verb as + adjective + assehingga berpola membentuknominal:

S + to be (is/am/are/was/were/be) + as-adjective-as + O

Dengan to bemenyesuaikansubyeknyadaritense yang digunakan.

  • We say options for c and d are incorrect because we're not comparing subject with objectto show which one isbetter
  • We say options for a and b are correct because we're about to compare any similarities so it's unable to choose which one is better

Inch is a measurementthat used for asize of an/ object(s) just like centimeter. Thick is undefined as a size and wide is showing the largeness of the size of an/ object(s). Wide is lebar (specified to size) and thick is tebal (specified to appearance).

The answer is:

A. Kirana's tablet is as wide as Yongki's.

-Tablet Kirana sama lebarnya tablet Yongki.

That's all, thank you, and good luck! :)

Learn more:

-how to use comparative and superlative degree:

-positive degree:


Subject: English

Material: Comparative and Superlative  

Level: Middle (JHS)

  • Grade: 8

Keywords: comparison, positive, as + adj + as

Subject code: 5

Categorization code: 8.5


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Last Update: Mon, 31 May 21