2. Lani: Do you ... a bowl of noodle ?Rara:

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari raffakianu440 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

2. Lani: Do you ... a bowl of noodle ?
: Yes I do
a. Thanks
b. Hate
C. Like
d. Sorry

3. A: ... is the Bank?
B: it is beside the school
a. What
b. How
c. Where
d. When

4. Dayu
: This room is Hot
c. Wash
d. Clean
Udin : Would you mind ... the window
a. Close
b. Open

5. Randi : .....are your mother .udin !
Udin : Fine
c. When
d. Who
a. How
b. Where

6. Siti
: May I Borrow Your Pen!
: ....I only have one.
c. Of course
d. sorry
a. Yes pleasu
b. Yes I do

7. The price of my Hat is twenty six thousand
The indonesian of twenty six thousand is ...
d. 36.000
c. Rp. 26000
a. Rp.23.000
b. Rp. 16.000

8. Dina
: would you help me turn on the Lamp !
: Thank you
c. Sure
d. I'm sorry
b. No
a. Sorry

9. Where did your brother buy the medicine last
a. Drugstore
b. Mall
C. School
d. Bookstore

10. My mother works in the Hospital, She helps the doctor
She is a...
a. Postman
b. Teacher
c. Pilot
d. Nurse​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

2. C. Like

3. C. Where

4. B. Open

5. A. How

6. D. Sorry

7. C. 26,000

8. C. Sure

9. A. Drugstore

10. D. Nurse

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Last Update: Wed, 16 Jun 21