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Mohon di bikin kan soal tema "descriptive teks " dong kak (pilihan ganda ya) butuh 15 soal nih kak​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Yogyakarta is one of the foremost cultural centers of Java, the seat of the mighty Javanese empire of Mataram from which present day Yogyakarta has the best inherited of traditions. The city itself has a special charm, which seldom fails to captivate the visitor. Gamelan, classical and contemporary Javanese dances, leather puppet, theater and other expressions of traditional art will keep the visitor spellbound. Local craftsmen excel in arts such batiks, silver and leather works. Next to the traditional, contemporary art has found fertile soil in Yogya's culture oriented society.

Yogyakarta is often called the main gateway to the Central Java as where it is geographically located. It stretches from Mount Merapi to the Indian Ocean. There is daily air service to Yogya from Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali as well as regular train service and easy accessibility by road. Yogyakarta is commonly considered as the modern cultural of Central Java. It is a very lively city and a shopper's delight. The main road, Malioboro Street, is always crowded and famous for its night street food-culture and street vendors. Many tourist shops and cheap hotels are concentrated along this street or in the adjoining tourist area such Sosrowijayan Street.

The key attraction of Yogyakarta is 'Kraton' (the Sultan's Palace), the centre of Yogya's traditional life and despite the advance of modernity; it still emanates the spirit of refinement, which has been the hallmark of Yogya's art for centuries. This vast complex of decaying buildings was built in the 18th century, and is actually a walled city within the city with luxurious pavilions and in which the current Sultan still resides. Yogyakarta is also the only major city, which still has traditional 'Becak' (rickshaw-style) transport.

1. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To amuse the readers with Yogyakarta

B. To describe the location of Yogyakarta

C. To persuade the readers to go to Yogyakarta

D. To promote Yogyakarta as tourist destination

E. To tell the readers the history of Yogyakarta


2. We know from the second paragraph that ....

A. Plane is the most convenient access to reach Yogyakarta

B. Many local tourists prefer staying in Sosrowijayan Street

C. Sosrowijayan is also known as shopping and culinary delight

D. There are many convenient stores in the streets of Yogyakarta

E. Malioboro Street is a crowded mainroad which is alive 24 hours


3. " ... spirit of refinement, which has been the hallmark of Yogya's art for centuries.(Pargraph 3) The underlined word is closest in meaning ....

A. Settlement

B. Development

C. Improvement

D. Involvement

E. Engagement


Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to 6.

Rowan Atkinson is an English comedian, actor and writer, famous for his title roles in the British television comedies Blackadder, the Thin Blue Line and Mr. Bean. He has been listed in the Observer as one of the 50 funniest actors in British comedy. Atkinson is mostly well known as Mr. Bean.

Rowan Atkinson is a quite thin man. He has fair complexion and black short hair. Some people considered Atkinson “the man with the rubber face.” In fact, he has really funny face with unique smile. He is in medium height of European people. He has a pointed nose, big black eyes and thick eyebrows. His moustache and sideburns are usually well shaved. He usually wears a man’s suit with shirt, collar, trousers and a pair of shiny shoes.

Rowan Atkinson was born in Consett, County Durham on 6th January 1955. He has two elder brothers. Atkinson studied electrical engineering at Newcastle University and continued with an MSc at the Queen’s College, Oxford. Atkinson married Sunetra Sastry in 1990. The couple has two children, Lily and Benjamin, and lives in England in the Northamptonshire. With an estimated wealth of $100 million, Atkinson owns many expensive cars.

4. The text mainly describes ….

A. Rowan Atkinson

B. Rowan Atkinson’s school

C. Rowan Atkinson’s movies

D. Comedy festivals in England

E. TV show in England


5. ”Rowan Atkinson is a quite thin man.” (Paragraph 2) The word ‘thin” has the same meaning as….

A. Stocky

B. Athletic

C. Skinny

D. Chubby

E. Muscular


6. “The couple has two children, Lily and Benjamin, ….” (Paragraph 3) The underlined words refer to ….

A. Atkinson and family

B. Lily and Benjamin

C. Atkitson and his children

D. Atkinson and Sunetra Sastry

E. Sunetra Sastry and her children

in brainly i can only put 5000 word so i cant make too much question so just make it yourself

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Last Update: Tue, 12 Apr 22