This is Mr. Rahman's family. Mr. Rahman is a headmaster.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari hidayatunnur15 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

This is Mr. Rahman's family. Mr. Rahman is a headmaster. He is tall and handsome. Hiswife, Mrs. Rahman is an English teacher. She is short and slim. They have three children,
they are Yusuf, Andri and Nisa. Yusuf is a tall boy and he is very handsome. His sister
Andri is pretty. She is a tall girl. She has a short dark hair. And Nisa the youngest child is
a short girl, but she is prettier than her sister. She has short dark hair, too. The three
children are not naughty. Mr. And Mrs. Rahman are proud of them.
ini teks nya!
9.Are Mr. And Mrs Rahman s children naughty?
A. Yes, they are
B. No, they aren't
C.Yes,they do
D.No, they don't
10. Mr. And Mrs. Marian are proud of them. The word " them refers to
A All the family
B Mr. and Mrs. Rahman
11. The apperance of Andri and Nisa are
A. They are pretty and have short dark hair
B. They are handsome and have short and dark hair.
C. They are pretty and have short and
D. They are pretty and have straight and dark hair.
12. Yusufs sister hashair.
A. Long dark hair
B. Long black hair
c short dark hair
D short bright hair
13. She is Ratih. She is a pretty girl. She always help me. She is a Girl
A. Diligent
C Cheerful
B. Helpful
14. Ahsan
Burhan:He is tall, handsome and slim
A. How is he?
C What do you think of her?
B. How does he like?
D. What does he look like!
15. Amira
: What does she look like?
A. like beautiful
B. likes beautiful
D. is like beautiful​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


9. B. No, they aren't

10. "Them" refers to Mr. And Mrs Rahmans' children

11. A. They are pretty and have short dark hair

12. C. Short dark hair

13. B. Helpful

14. D. What does he look like

15. Looks like beautiful


Nomer 10 dan 15 option nya kurang tapi saya coba jawab mandiri.pilih aja jawaban yg mirip dg jawaban yg saya post.

Semoga terbantu ya :)

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Last Update: Fri, 02 Jul 21