Fill in the blanks with"Was","Wasn't","Where","Weren't".1. There ... any department stores

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari laraswindiana pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Fill in the blanks with"Was","Wasn't","Where","Weren't".
1. There ... any department stores here twenty years ago.
2 ... there a park back then? - No, there ....
3 What ... your favourite toys when you ... a child?
4. There ... any cars here twenty years ago.
5. Is Julia ill? She ... at school today.
6. There ... a lot of people at the party last night.
7. Where ... you yesterday?
8.I called David but he ... at home.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. There weren't any department stores here twenty years ago.

2 Was there a park back then? - No, there wasn't

3 What wereyour favorite toys when youwere a child?

4. There weren't any cars here twenty years ago.

5. Is Julia ill? She wasn't at school today.

6. There were a lot of people at the party last night.

7. Where were you yesterday?

8.I called David but he wasn't at home.​


Was digunakan untuk pronoun I, He, She, It (tunggal)

Wasn't merupakan negasi dari was

Were digunakan untuk pronoun You, They, We (jamak)

Weren't merupakan negasi dari were

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Last Update: Wed, 28 Jul 21