Instructions on how to use syrup medicine:1. Notice the rules

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari reyaanjohn8 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Instructions on how to use syrup medicine:1. Notice the rules of taking the medicine. Read the label or leaflet which contains important information, such as dosage, recommended storage method, and reactions of side effects.2. Take the medication as directed. Two times a day means that the medicine is taken every twelve hours. Three times a day means that the medication must be taken every eight hours. Four times a day means that the medicine must be taken every six hours. Drink before and after eating.3. Always clean the syrup spoon before and after use. Use the spoon in a dry state.4. Follow the dosage of the drug. If the dosage is one teaspoon, it means 5 ml. If the dosage is tablespoon, it means 15 ml.5. Shake well before use, so that medicine is mixed evenly.6. Take medication with warm water. What do we need to do before we consume the syrup medicine? *a. Take the medication as directed.

b. Shake the bottle.

c. Dry the spoon.

d. Wash syrup spoon before and after use.

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Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

b. Shake the bottle


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Last Update: Thu, 03 Jun 21