tolong dibantu, thanks

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Nyonyanda25 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Tolong dibantu, thanks
tolong dibantu, thanks

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan, kebenaran umum, rutinitas, kenyataan, atau pendapat.

Penanda waktu yang digunakan: usually, often, always, sometimes, everyday, everyweek

Bentuk simple present

(+) Subject + verb1 / verb1+s/es

(-) Subject + does + NOT + verb1

(?) Do/Does + subject + verb1 .... ?


  • She likes watching horror movie.
  • I do not need calculator.
  • Does he have a pet?

Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang sedang dilakukan saat ini atau sedang berlangsung.

Penanda waktu yang digunakan: now, at present, right now, at the moment, this time

Bentuk present continuous

(+) Subject + is/am/are + verb1+ing

(-) Subject + is/am/are + NOT + verb1+ing

(?) Is/Am/Are + subject + verb1+ing .... ?


  • I am reading in the library.
  • She is not attending a meeting.
  • Are you cooking now?

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang baru saja terjadi, telah dilakukan beberapa waktu yang lalu hingga tepat sebelum berbicara. Tense ini juga dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan pengalaman.

Penanda waktu yang digunakan: since, yet, already, never, ever, recently, lately, for

Bentuk present perfect

(+) Subject + has/have + Verb3

(-) Subject + has/have+ NOT + Verb3

(?) Has/Have+ subject + verb3 .... ?


  • She has finished doing homework.
  • I haven't eaten, yet.
  • Have you ever been to London?


* To BE: IS untuk he, she, it; AM untuk I; ARE untuk you, they, we.

* DO untuk I, you, they, we; DOES untuk he, she, it.

* Pada present perfect tense: HAVE untuk I, you, they, we; HAS untuk he, she, it.  

* Pada nominal sentence, predikat yang digunakan adalah TO BE.


1. I and my friends ARE in the library. We read some books.

(D) Nominal simple present - positive.

2. She DOES not work because she has the flu.

(B) Simple present - negative  

3. Alina SINGS song every night.

(A) Simple present - positive.

4. My father DRINKS tea every morning.

(B) Simple present - positive.

5. They HAVE a test every week.

(D) Simple present - positive.

6. Dolphin: Please call me if you need.

Jack: No I DO NOT need your help.

(A) Simple present - negative

7. She is a student. She STUDIES at school.

(C) Simple present - positive.

8. We WATCH soccer match.

(D) Simple present - positive.

9. Gina cooks friend rice. It IS amazing.

(D) Nominal simple present - positive.

10. My brother rides a bike to school EVERYDAY.

(A) Everyday adalah penanda waktu pada simple present.

11. Tomy, Jane, mark, Sarah ARE smart students.

(B) Nominal simple present - positive.

12. Are you a doctor? No, I AM a dentist.

(C) Nominal simple present - positive.  

13. DO your brother and sister SPEAK four language?

(D) Simple present - interrogative.

14. Bob's niece is very cute. HER name is Mia.  

(A) Niece is female.

15. Most of us ARE TAKING 24 SKS this semester.

(C) Present continuous - positive.

16. What are they doing right now?


(C) Present continuous - positive.

17. What is he doing in the garden?


(D) Present continuous - positive.

18. Mega can't come to the conference right now because she IS TAKING CARE OF her little baby.

(B) Present continuous - positive.

19. It is still raining now outside. Therefore, the riders ARE WEARING their rain coat.

(A) Present continuous - positive.

20. Dina IS ASKING her little brother to buy her some foods at the moment.

(B) Present continuous - positive.

21. What time does your brother get up?


(B) Simple present - positive.

22. Father HAS a car but he DOES NOT DRIVE it very often.

(B) Simple present  - positive and negative.

23. The baby HAS SLEPT for three hours.

(B) Present perfect. Perhatikan penanda waktu 'for'.

24. Someone IS KNOCKING the door now. We are not in the living room.

(C) Present continuous - positive.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Contoh Simple Present Tense:

2. Contoh Simple Present Tense (+,-,?):

3. Contoh Present Continuous Tense (+,-,?):

Detil Jawaban

Kelas: 8

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Stating Daily Routine and Activity Now

Kode: 8.5.5  dan 8.5.6

Kata kunci: present, continuous, perfect, nominal, sentence

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Last Update: Fri, 05 Apr 19