Contoh text dialog (starting & ending)

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Contoh text dialog (starting & ending)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Dialog adalah percakapan antara dua orang atau lebih yang membahas mengenai suatu topik.

Sebuah dialog dapat di buka dengan ucapan salam. berikut beberapa contohnya:

- Hey, (name)!

- Good morning / good afternoon / good evening, (name)!

- Hello, name!

Setelah salam, akan dilanjutkan dengan pembahasan topik. berikut contoh kalimat yang dapat digunakan untuk membuka topik pembicaraan dalam suatu dialog:

- What's new?

- what are you doing?

- How was you trip to ... ?

Setelah topik pembahasan selesai dibahas, dialog dapat diakhiri dengan ucapan selamat tinggal atau perpisahan. berikut contoh menutup sebuah dialog:

- well, i have to go home now. let's talk more about it later. good bye!

- well, you seem busy. i won't take up any more of you time. See you!

- i will wait for you in front of the library at 7 o'clock. Bye!

Berikut contoh dialog sederhana:

Ann: Hello, Marie! Long time no see.

Marie: Hey, Ann! How are you?

Ann: I'm fine. How about you?

Marie: I'm great. thanks.

Ann: What have you been up to lately?

Marie: Well, i'm dieting.

Ann: Oh, really? no wonder you look slimmer. How is your diet? is it hard?

Marie: Well, it's not so hard since i hire a trainer. so, he controls what i eat and my exercise schedule.

Ann: wow, that's cool. i also want to diet but it has never happened because i always forget that i'm on diet and end up eating what i want.

Marie: yes, self controlling is the hardest challenge for those who are on diet. that's why i hire a trainer to help me and remind me. I think you should hire one.

Ann: yeah i think so. but hiring a trainer is not cheap also. i'll consider it. thanks for the suggestion.

Marie: the most important thing is your will. if there's a will, there will always a way.

Ann: you're right.

Marie: Well, i'm sorry i have to go now.

Ann: oh, it's okay. it's nice to talk to you.

Marie: it's nice to talk to you too. See you!

Ann: See you!

Mudah-mudahan jawaban diatas dapat membantu menjawab pertanyaanmu. Sebagai tambahan kamu dapat melihat contoh dialog lain di link berikut.

Detil tambahan:

Kelas: SMP

Pelajaran: bahasa inggris

kategori: starting and ending conversation

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Last Update: Sun, 21 Oct 18