tolong buatin teks story telling bertema ''Meneladani kearifan lokal dan

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tolong buatin teks story telling bertema ''Meneladani kearifan lokal dan Tokoh sejarah islam sebagai pondasi kekuatan bangsa''. Dalam bahasa inggris ya.. yang ada dialognya.. thanks

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Apart from being very firm, the Prophet Muhammad was also a very wise person who made the decision to realizing these hopes, leaders who are elected through the presidential election should be willing to learn and imitate the success of the leadership of the Prophet SAW in leading the nation.

The Qur'an confirms that the Prophet Muhammad SAW is a role model in all aspects of life, including leadership."Indeed, the Prophet (himself) is a good role model for you, (namely) for those who hope for (the mercy) of Allah and (the arrival of) the Day of Judgment and he chants a lot of Allah." (Q.s Al-ahzab [33]:21.)

Prophet Muhammad SAW is the most influential leader in the history of human life.This is recognized by Michael Hart, a Western writer in his book "The 100, a Ranking of The Most Influential Persons in History".Very objectively, he placed the Prophet SAW as the most influential person in history.

This shows that the Prophet SAW had high managerial intelligence in managing, managing,and placing members of the community in various positions according to their abilities,so that it can achieve the main goal, which is to build a civil society based on divine values.

In carrying out his leadership, the Prophet SAW always prioritized noble morals. This was recognized by Husain bin Ali as the grandson of the Prophet SAW.That the Prophet was a pleasant person, relaxed and open, easy to communicate with anyone, gentle and polite, not harsh and not too lenient,never criticizing, never demanding and grumbling, never stalling for time and never rushing.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh keysyaaurellya dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Tue, 11 May 21