3. Describe pe animal below! The animalis It has Arrange

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari yulierka805 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

3. Describe pe animal below! The animalis It has Arrange the Jumbled words into meaningful sentences. a. - film - very - a - interesting - is b. stubborn - is - a - Bryan-boy-not they - not - brave-are-men - looks - painting - beautiful T-shident - popular - a -is-? hons based on the text! my grandfather. He is a farmer. His age is 50 years old but he still has a well- orks strong and healthy. He has an oval face. His nose is flat. He has short complexion. He is diligent. He works in the rice field every day. He is bility in making a good decision. He is a wise man I've ever known. He is​
3. Describe pe animal below! The animalis It has Arrange the Jumbled words into meaningful sentences. a. - film - very - a - interesting - is b. stubborn - is - a - Bryan-boy-not they - not - brave-are-men - looks - painting - beautiful T-shident - popular - a -is-? hons based on the text! my grandfather. He is a farmer. His age is 50 years old but he still has a well- orks strong and healthy. He has an oval face. His nose is flat. He has short complexion. He is diligent. He works in the rice field every day. He is bility in making a good decision. He is a wise man I've ever known. He is​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


5. Description about the writer's grandfather, mr tom

the writer's grandfather

he looks strong and healthy, has a flat nose, oval face, etc.

skin color

His/Her Grandfather, Mr. tom

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Last Update: Wed, 22 Jun 22