a.SOAL ESSAY1. Write down the generic structure of..Narrative textb. Descriptive

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari srianggimaritosihota pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. Write down the generic structure of..
Narrative text
b. Descriptive text
2. Part of a narrative text that tells us about the setting
in time and place and characters is...
3. Write down the expressions of greeting!
4. Make a dialog about asking or giving for help.
5. When you want to know where someone comes
from, you say....​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. a. Generic Structure of Narrative Text:

1) Orientation

2) Complication

3) Resolution

4) Re-orientation

b. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text:

1) Identification

2) Description

2. Orientation

3. Expressions of greeting: Kalimat yang diucapkan saat bertegur sapa

A: 1) Hi, how are you?

A: 1) Hi, how are you?2) Hello, what's up

A: 1) Hi, how are you?2) Hello, what's up3) Good morning/evening/afternoon/night

4. Buat dialog tentang orang yang meminta tolong

A: Mom : Are u busy Rio?

Rio : No, I’m not Mom. What’s the matter?

Mom : I want to make pizza for us, but unfortunately we run out of flour. Could you give me a hand to buy some flour?

Rio : Yay! I like pizza. Let me help you to buy some flour, Mom.

Mom : Thank you, my son. You can buy it in the market.

Rio : Sure Mom. I will go now.

Mom : Alright, please be careful.

Rio : Okay Mom.

5. Apa yang kamu ucapkan jika ingin mengetahui darimana seseorang berasal?

A: Where are you from?





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Last Update: Mon, 26 Jul 21