What do these sentences really mean?1. Kill two birds in one

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What do these sentences really mean?1. Kill two birds in one stone.
2. I’m drawing a blank.
3. Crocodile tears.
4. It came out of the blue.
5. Barking up the wrong tree.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. to achieve two aims at once.

2. to fail to get an answer or a result.

3. not being sincere.

4. unexpectedly.

5. totally wrong or misunderstanding something.


  • kill two birds in one stone means to achieve or to get two goals at once or with one action. Example : By studying on the bus when I am on the way home, I kill two birds in one stone.
  • I'm drawing a blank means to fail to get an answer. Example : I'm drawing a blank when I tried to remember all the mathematic formulas.
  • Crocodile tears means not being sincere. Example : She's crying crocodile tears as her father didn't want to buy things she wanted to.
  • It came out of the blue means unexpectedly. Example : The factory was just burnt last night. It came out of the blue.
  • Bark up the wrong tree means misunderstanding something. Example : If you expect me to borrow you some money, you bark up the wrong tree.

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Last Update: Mon, 17 May 21