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Jasmine is an evergreen semi-vining shrub native to tropical areas of Southeast Asia, Africa and Australia. The plants are usually up to 3 meters high and 2 meters wide.

Jasmine is a climbing vine with oval, shiny leaves and tubular, waxy-white flowers. It has small white star-shaped flowers.

The Jasmine flower releases its fragrance at night after the sun has set and especially when the moon is waxing towards fullness, thus it is associated with soothing peaceful night-time moods.

The leaves are oval rich green and have five to nine leaflets, each up to 2½ inches long.

The plant flowers from April to September. Jasmine is propagated by cuttings of nearly ripe wood in summer. Cuttings are planted in 3-inch pots within 4 weeks, then to 6-inches when pot is becoming filled with roots.

The soil should be kept moist but well drained for optimum growth. Frequent pruning is required to grow it as a shrub of desired size.

Pruning also helps keep an abundance of flowers, since flowers are produced on new wood. It grows in full sun to partial shade. Fertilize monthly with a balanced fertilizer.


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Last Update: Mon, 31 May 21