find the meaning and make a sentence for each of

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rafaramadhani2005 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Find the meaning and make a sentence for each of them creatively!1. Landowner
Sentence :

2. Servant
Sentence :

3. Pledge
Sentence :

4. Wealthy
Sentence :

5. Snatched
Sentence :

6. Invisible
Sentence :

7. Rescue
Sentence :

8. Shimmering
Sentence :

9. Magical
Sentence :

10. Spot
Sentence :​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


• landowner : owner of land (pemilik tanah)

he has so many good lands for your future plantation

• servant : waitress (pelayan)

she one of many beauty servant in this restaurant

• pledge : promise (janji)

he pledged me a lexus

• wealthy : rich (kaya(sugih(banyak duit(hotman paris)))

im wealthy, i know it and i know you jealous of me

• snatched : same energy like rache vennya (direnggut)

my husband get snatched by ugly b

• invisible : (tak terlihat)

you are suddenly being invisible when i need you

• rescue : save (menyelamatkan)

you have been rescue my life to tell me not accept that poor man

• shimmering : sparkle (berkilauan)

i like that shimmering gucci shoes

• magical : (ajaib)

im hoping that one day i can enter hogwarts and do any magical things

•spot : dot (titik)

dont forget for wearing sunscreen everyday hunny, it helps reduce your dark spot

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Last Update: Tue, 01 Jun 21