Activity - 8Write the words in brackets in a suitable

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lovannisazzahra pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Activity - 8Write the words in brackets in a suitable way to make NOUNS. No. 1 is the example
for you!
I don't think you understand the (complex) of the situation.
Answer . i don't think you understand the complexity ci the situatio.i.
2. Would you like to come to El Greco's (exhibit) with us on Saturday ?
Answer : .....
3. Thousands of citizens went on a (domonstrate, to show their (refuse) to the government's
economic (politics).
4. My parents completely disagreed with my brother's (behave) at school.
5. Do you know what the (long) of the Thames is?
6. Unfortunately most elderly people lose their (able) to walk without help.
7. (Pirate) has become a serious problem for both record companies and artists.
8. Linda left the company after having a strong (argue) with her boss.
9. She's such an example of tolerate) while her husband is so narrow-minded.
10. The patient has made such a quick (recover) that he will be discharged on Friday.
11. I think you should make an (appoint) with the (dermatology) due to your acne.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1) Would you like to come to El Greco's exhibition with us on Saturday ?

2) Thousands of citizens went on a domonstration, to show their refusion to the government's

economic politicians.

3) My parents completely disagreed with my brother's behaviour at school.

4) Do you know what the longest of the Thames is?

5) Unfortunately most elderly people lose their ability to walk without help.

6) piracy has become a serious problem for both record companies and artists

7) Linda left the company after having a strong argumentation with her boss.

8) She's such an example of toleration while her husband is so narrow-minded.

9) The patient has made such a quick recovery that he will be discharged on Friday

10) I think you should make an (appoint) with the dermatologist due to your acne.


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Last Update: Mon, 05 Jul 21