1.The dialogue is for questions 1-4 Andi : Hello, who

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari karelbaru8 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1.The dialogue is for questions 1-4 Andi : Hello, who is there? Farrel : Hi Andi .It's me Farrel. Andi : Hi Farrel, we are cleaning our house. : Am I bothering you? Farrel Andi : No, you are not.Come in. Farrel : What are you cleaning Andi? Andi : I am cleaning the living room, my sister is sweeping the floor and my brother is mopping. My father is washing the car and my mother is cooking for us. Farrel : Wow, what a supportive family!1. What is Andi doing?
A He is mopping the floor
B. He is washing the car
C. He is cleaning the living room
D. He is cooking

2. Is Andi's sister cooking?
A. Yes, he is
B. Yes, She is
C. No, she is not
D. Yes, She is

3. Where does the conversation take place?
A. At school
B. At bed room
C.At home
D.At classroom

4. What is the relationship between Andi and Farrel?
A. Sibling
B. Classmate
C. Cousin

5. Hana ...her problem to her mothe right now
A. Was telling
C. am telling
B. Is telling
D. are telling

6. .....you...to school today?
A. Is-going
B. Am-going
C. are-going
D. was -going

7. Look! They...to other class
A. Are locking
B. Is cutting
C. Are moving
D.Is growing​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Andi : Hello, who is there?

Farrel : Hi Andi .It's me Farrel.

Andi : Hi Farrel, we are cleaning our house.

Farrel : Am I bothering you?

Andi : No, you are not. Come in.

Farrel : What are you cleaning Andi?

Andi : I am cleaning the living room, my sister is sweeping the floor and my brother is mopping. My father is washing the car and my mother is cooking for us.

Farrel : Wow, what a supportive family!

1. (C) He is cleaning the living room

2. (C) No, she is not

Is not dapat ditulis lebih singkat menjadi Isn't.

3. (C) At home

4. (B) Classmates

5. (B) Is telling

6. (C) Are-going

7. (C) Are moving

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Last Update: Tue, 30 Aug 22