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#Jawab dengan bukti kalimat dalam teks

Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
Louis Pasteur
- Louis Pateur was born in Dole on December 27, 1822. He was a French chemist and biologist. In 1874, he earned his doctorate at the Ecole Normale in Paris on physics and chemistry.
- In 1854, Pasteur worked on bacteria, He found that the desired production of alcohol in fermentation is due to yeast, whilst the undesired one stimulates the presence of additional organisms, such as bacteria. Due to his awareness of the presence of microorganisms in nature, in 1864, Pasteur undertook several experiments to find out where these "germs" came from. In 1865, he found a method to destroy harmful bacteria without materially changing the flavour composition, or nutritive value of the liquid. The process was named after him, pasteurization.
- Pasteur also noted down the natural history of anthrax, a fatal disease of cattle. He showed that anthrax is caused by a particular bacillus. He suggested that animals should be given anthrax in a mild form by vaccinating them with weakened baciili. This vaccirne can help prevent outbreaks. Louis Pasteur also contributed so much to public sanitation. He developed the science of microbiology, invented the process of pasteurization, and developed vaccines for several diseases, including rabies.
19. What has been demonstrated by Pasteur regarding anthrax?
Jawaban D. A mild form of the weakened anthrax bacillus should be given to animals.
- Bukti kalimat "He showed that anthrax is caused by a particular bacillus. He suggested that animals should be given anthrax in a mild form by vaccinating them with weakened baciili."
- Yang artinya "Ia menunjukkan bahwa antraks disebabkan oleh basil tertentu. Ia menyarankan agar hewan diberikan antraks yang ringan dengan memvaksinasi mereka dengan basil yang dilemahkan."
Jadi, Pasteur mendemonstrasikan agar "bentuk ringan dari basil antraks yang melemah harus diberikan pada hewan."
20. In 1864, Louise Pasteur started his investigations as he was interested in investigating the origin of microorganisms. (Jawaban D)
- Bukti kalimat "Due to his awareness of the presence of microorganisms in nature, in 1864, Pasteur undertook several experiments to find out where these "germs" came from."
- Yang artinya "Karena kesadarannya akan keberadaan mikroorganisme di alam, pada tahun 1864, Pasteur melakukan beberapa percobaan untuk menemukan darimana "kuman" ini berasal."
Jadi pada tahun 1864, Pasteur menyadari keberadaan mikroorganisme di alam maka ia tertarik untuk melakukan investasi darimana asalnya.
21. "The process was named after him, ..." (paragraph 2) The underlined word refers to Louise Pasteur. (Jawaban B)
Bukti artinya "Proses itu dinamai menurut namanya, pasteurisasi."
- A. a researcher = seorang peneliti
- B. Louise Pasteur = namanya ✔️
- C. French chemist = Ahli kimia Prancis
- D. French biologist = Ahli biologi Prancis
Jadi, him merujuk padanya yaitu berdasarkan namanya.
22. "Pasteur also noted down the natural history ..." (paragraph 3) The underlined phrase has similar meaning with wrote. (Jawaban A)
Buktinyya down = dicatat
- A. wrote = ditulis ✔
- B. studied = dipelajari
- C. observed = diobservasi
- D. discovered = ditemukan
Jadi, yang sama artinya adalah dicatat = ditulis
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Reading Comprehension:
- No. 16-18:
Detail Jawaban
Kelas: 9
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Materi: Reading
Kode: 9.5
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Last Update: Fri, 25 Jun 21