Last week , I spent my holiday in Jakarta .

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari istrisahkimseungmin pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Last week , I spent my holiday in Jakarta . I went there by bus.My bus departed at seven o’clock sharp in the morning. In the middle of the trip , the bus suddenly stopped . I felt afraid immediately. I thought about bad things that could happen on the street. Then I saw the driver’s assistant got off the bus.
After he returned , he told me and the other passengers that there was a road accident and the police already handled it. However, my bus could go nowhere for a while . My bus was trapped in the queue for about three and a half hours . I finally arrived at Lebak Bulus Bus Station at dawn.
It was the most tiring trip I ever had.

22. What happened to the bus ?
A. It hit Lebak Bulus Bus Station
B. It collided with other cars
C. It got trapped in the road accident
D. It ran out of the gas

23. What time did the writer probably arrive at Lebak Bulus Bus Station ?
A. At noon
B. 4 PM
C. 4 AM
D. In the middle of the night

24. “My bus was trapped in the queue..”
The underlined word has the following meanings, EXCEPT
A. lining up
B. standing in line
C. waiting in line
D. fighting for

25. “It was the most tiring trip I ever had “
The sentence above is called …
A. Orientation
B. Events
C. Description
D. Re-Orientation ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


22. C

23. C.

24. D

25. D

#Maaf kalo salah ^^"

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Last Update: Mon, 21 Jun 21