10 pertanyaan 25 POINTsembarangan atau ngasal => REPORT1. Karlina is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aghnaa16 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

10 pertanyaan 25 POINTsembarangan atau ngasal => REPORT

1. Karlina is as ........ as her sister. *
a. beautiful
b. more beautiful
c. most beautiful
d. beautifuls

2. Rita can walk .......... than you think *
a. more far
b. far
c. further
d. furtest

3. The modern wind turbine works the ....... *
a. more efficiently
b. most efficiently
c. efficiently
d. efficient

4. He runs as ......... as molasses in January. *
a. slow
b. slows
c. slower
d. slowest

5. I hope tomorrow will be ......... than today. *
a. best
b. good
c. better
d. nicer

6. He has the ........ house among all his friends. *
a. big
b. biggest
c. bigger
d. bigs

7. I have no idea why he spoke ........... than before. *
a. gently
b. more gently
c. most gently
d. gentlier

8. If only i could find the ......... path from node x to node y. *
a. esier
b. esiest
c. more easy
d. easy

9. Your spicy ramen noodles is ........ than mine. *
a. hot
b. hotter
c. hottest
d. more hot

10. The man treated his step children ......... than his blood children. *
a. bad
b. badly
c. worse
d. worst

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. A. Beautifull
  2. C. further
  3. B. Most efftienly
  4. A. Slow
  5. C. Better
  6. B. Biggest
  7. B. More gently
  8. B. esiest
  9. B. hotter
  10. C. Worse


terlampir pada gambar....

semoga bermanfaat ya

Jawaban:A. BeautifullC. furtherB. Most efftienlyA. SlowC. BetterB. BiggestB. More gentlyB. esiestB. hotterC. WorsePenjelasan:terlampir pada gambar.... semoga bermanfaat yaJawaban:A. BeautifullC. furtherB. Most efftienlyA. SlowC. BetterB. BiggestB. More gentlyB. esiestB. hotterC. WorsePenjelasan:terlampir pada gambar.... semoga bermanfaat yaJawaban:A. BeautifullC. furtherB. Most efftienlyA. SlowC. BetterB. BiggestB. More gentlyB. esiestB. hotterC. WorsePenjelasan:terlampir pada gambar.... semoga bermanfaat ya

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Last Update: Sun, 11 Jul 21