domestic pigeon(Columbia Livia)was perhaps the brid tamed by man.figurnas,mosaics and

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Domestic pigeon(Columbia Livia)was perhaps the brid tamed by man.figurnas,mosaics and coins have portadyed the the domestic pigeon since at least 4500B.C from Egyptian Times the pigeon has been important as food its tole as masengger has a long history.thorowbacks among modern domestic pigeons indicate a common ancestor,the rock dove.this tendincy ia clearly seen in street pigeon lofts,but most are somewhat narrow-bodied and broad-billed replicas of the blue-gray ancestral form.
street pigeons nest all year-round,on buildings and beneath bridges, where they mau be a nuisance with their dropings and transmission of disease.
these Hardy birds may live top up to 35 years.
the theree main kinds of domestic pigeon are fliers,fancy breeds raised raised chiefly for show,and utility breeds,which produce squabs for meat nestlings taken when 25 to 30 daya old and weighing 350 to 700 grams.utility breeds are known as dual-purpose birds of they are bred for exhibitions
pigeon-raising ia a worldwide hobby and business as well.there are regular conpetions held in several places,such as pigeon racing and singing contests people also raise pigeons for their meat itu can be Made into many delicious dhise
1.answer the following question based on the
A.what ia the purpose of the teks? long have pigeons been used as masenggers?
C.what do most sreet pigeons look like?
D.where can you find street piegeons?
E.why di people breed pigions

tolong kak bantu jawab please

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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A. what is the purpose of the teks?

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Last Update: Thu, 24 Jun 21