make the produce of how to make Orange squash iceTolong

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Make the produce of how to make Orange squash iceTolong yg dijawab bukan artinya tapi pertanyaannya ​

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What you will need

300 grams of small chayote, demolished, thinly sliced with a peeler

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons whiting water

1,000 ml of water

200 grams of sugar

500 ml of water

300 grams of shaved ice

5 tablespoons of lime juice

3 fruit squash

10 pieces of tofu small size

3 red chilies

4 pieces of onion

2 pieces of garlic

2 tablespoons ebi

2 tsp salt

1 1/2 tsp sugar Flavoring to taste (added if liked)

Half a glass of water

4 tablespoons oil for frying

Peel and wash 3 fruit squash lengthwise and cut into pieces

Rinse 10 pieces out of small size and cut squares

Sliced 4 pieces of onion, 2 pieces of garlic and 3 red chilies

Heat 4 tablespoons oil in a skillet and saute onion and garlic until fragrant

Enter sliced red pepper and 2 tablespoons ebi, stir briefly

Enter the squash pieces, mix well and then cover the pan and let stand for about 5 minutes

Open cover the pan and add 2 tsp salt, 1 1/2 tsp sugar, flavorings and half a glass of water. Close back about 5 minutes

Open cover the pan again, fill pieces of tofu and mix

Let stand for a while until the spices really sink in and lift and serve


follow ya dan jadikan jawabann terbaik dan dilike sekian makasih ya

follow juga akun Ig [email protected]_26092009

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Last Update: Sat, 05 Jun 21