Giri : "Hi! By the way, tell me if you

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nielyoga704 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Giri : "Hi! By the way, tell me if you join me and the others swimming tomorrow." Andi : "I'm afraid I can't." Giri : "Why?" Andi : "I'm not permitted to go tomorrow." Giri : "But why?" Andi : "There's a family gathering in myhouse. Ihave to help my parents to prepare everything.""I understand. Maybe next time, okay?"
Andi : "Sure. Please say my apology to the others."
Giri "All right. Don't worry! They'll understand your condition."
Giri: "Thanks."
21. What is Giri and friends' plan?
a. Jogging
b. Swimming
C. Watching a movie
d. Playing basketball
22. Why doesn't Andi join Giri and friends?
a. Giri prohibits him to join.
b. Andi will go swimming alone.
C. Andi is not permitted to go.
d. Andi doesn't like swimming.
23. What does Andi have to do tomorrow?
a. He has to help his parents.
b. He has to attend a family gathering.
C. He has to practice swimming.
d. He has to study hard.
24. The italic sentence in the dialogue?
a. asking for permission
b. obligation
C. suggesting
d. prohibition
25. The underlined sentence in the dialogue shows an expression of
a. obligation
b. prohibition
C. inviting to do something
d. asking for information

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


21. B

22. C

23. A

24. Tidak ada kalimat garis miring nya kk maaf sayatidak bisa menjawab

25. Tidak ada kalimat yang di garis bawahi kk maaf saya tidak bisa menjawab nya

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Last Update: Tue, 15 Nov 22