Exercise Task 1 Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunction!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ellaandi13 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Exercise Task 1 Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunction! 1. The seatbelt is used 2. Clarrisa practices volley ball every day 3. Mr. Yusman gives us clear explanation 4. Mother bought some snacks 5. Diana rushes going to the school 6. The house is being cleaned 7. My sister takes me to the school 8. I study Javanese language. 9. Ardi hikes the mountain at night 10. The students wear t-shirt ........... protection in the car. prepare the competition. we have a good knowledge. completing our picnic supplies. .... she doesn't be late. be used for a meeting. I can arrive there on time. .... preserve the culture. enjoy the sunrise on top. making them comfortable to do sport.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Exercise Task 1 Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunction! 1. The seatbelt is used 2. Clarrisa practices volley ball every day 3. Mr. Yusman gives us clear explanation 4. Mother bought some snacks 5. Diana rushes going to the school 6. The house is being cleaned 7. My sister takes me to the school 8. I study Javanese language. 9. Ardi hikes the mountain at night 10. The students wear t-shirt ........... protection in the car. prepare the competition. we have a good knowledge. completing our picnic supplies. .... she doesn't be late. be used for a meeting. I can arrive there on time. .... preserve the culture. enjoy the sunrise on top. making them comfortable


Latihan Tugas 1 Isilah titik-titik dengan konjungsi yang sesuai! 1. Sabuk pengaman digunakan 2. Clarisa berlatih bola voli setiap hari 3. Pak Yusman memberi kami penjelasan yang jelas 4. Ibu membeli beberapa makanan ringan

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Last Update: Wed, 02 Nov 22