The following text is for questionsPenguin is a bird that

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The following text is for questionsPenguin is a bird that cannot fly, they are more like aquatic animals, because they spend half of their time
methe oceans and the other half on the land. Generally, they live in the Southern Hemisphere, but it doesn't
mean that they can live only in a cold place, because Penguins are also found in Galapagos Island, which
consider to be a tropical area. There are 16 species of Penguin in the world,
one of them is Emperor Penguin
(Aptenodytes forsteri) which known as the largest Penguin.
Penguins have various body size depending on their species. The largest Penguin, The Emperor Penguin,
can reach the size of 1,1 m with the weight of 35 kg or more. The smallest Penguin, the Little Blue Penguin,
can reach the size of 40 cm and the weight of 1 kg. Some others species such as King Penguin, Gentoo
Penguin, Magellanic Penguin and Yellow-eyed Penguin are vary between those sizes.
The head of a Penguin resemble the head of a bird with a beak in front of it and eyes on each side of the
head. They have two wings that function as flippers which help them to swim. Their foot is similar to duck's
foot, this also support them in the water. They have a wide and short tail. The tail and wings help them to
keep their balance when they are walking on the ground. The color of their inner body is white and the color
of their back is dark (usually black). This turns out to be a camouflage that protects them from predator
when they are underwater,
1. The text describes the Penguins related to their....
A. habitat, life cycle, and physical characteristics
B. emotional characteristics, behavior, and life cycle
C. habitat, diets, emotional characteristics, and behaviour
D. species, habitat, performance, and function of their organs
2. What does the third paragraph talk about?
A. A true story of penguins' life.
C. The physical appearance of penguins.
B. The penguins' habitual action,
D. The types of penguin based on the size.
3. "...This turns out to be a camouflage that protects them from predator when they are
underwater". (the last paragraph).
What is the underlined word closest in meaning to?
A. Hiding
B. Disguise C. Discovery D. Curiosity
4. According to the text, we know that .....
A. the color of its body is important for penguin
B. penguins can only live in low temperature area
C. penguins more often live and breed on the land
D. penguins need their duck foot for the balance in walking
5. "The tail and wings help them to keep their balance..." What is the similar meaning of
the underlined word?
A. Credibility B.Brightness C. Steadiness D.Longevity
The snow leopard, known for its beautiful thick fur, has a white, Yellowish or soft gray coat​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. D. species, habitat, performance, and function of their organs

2. C. The physical appearance of penguins.

3. B. Disguise

4. D. penguins need their duck foot for the balance in walking

5. C. Steadiness



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Last Update: Wed, 02 Jun 21