tolong dong besok dikumpulin

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Tolong dong besok dikumpulin
tolong dong besok dikumpulin

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Last sunday, there was Thomas cup badminton championship between Indonesa and China. It was held on Istora Gelora Bung Karno. I went to Istora Gelora Bung Karno with my Brother, Andi.

Before entering Istora Gelora Bung Karno, we looked the bus that took Indonesian badminton team players. I saw taufik Hidayat, Muhammad Ahsan, Hendra Setiawan, Hayom Rumbaka, Angga Pratama, Rian Agung, Simon Santoso, Sony Dwi Kuncoro and the other Indonesian badminton players in that bus. They were very handsome. Then, we followed that bus to main-entrance. I found that Taufik Hidayat left from the bus. When we wanted to get close to Taufik Hidayat, a security guard held me back. But, I thought that security guard was familiar because He was my old friend when I was senior high school, he was Andre. After that, he let me in, finally i could meet Taufik Hidayat and got his signature.

Then, I went back to my seat at the Istora stadium to support Indonesian team. The supporter was very crowded. They shouted “IN-DO-NE-SI-A” during the match.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh Md020220 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Sun, 27 Jun 21