11. Which statement is false? A = Rusia

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari oming2726 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

11. Which statement is false?A = Rusia is as cold as kanada
B = Finlandia is colder than Greenland
C = Greenland is the coldest country
D = Islandia is the coldest country

12. Our uncle pete is the ...... Fisherman in all of Oregon
A = talentedest
B = most talented
C = more talented
D = talenteder

13. The people applauded....than before whe bobo the clowncame out
A = more loud
B = most loudly
C = loundest
D = lounder

14. I am positive than i am .... Than my little brother
A = more intelligenter
B = intelligenter
C = most intelligent
D = more intelligent

15. When the frogs fell from the sky . My friend sue, appeared to be the .... Person in town.
A = fralleder
B = more frazzled
C = frazzledest
D = most frazzled

16. I find my self .... On my sunny days as opposed to rainy days
A = chipper
B = most chipper
C = more chipper
D = chippiets

17. I enjoy every minute of the match . I should say the winning team is the ..
A = good
B = gooder
C = best
D = better

18. Paul is eight years old. Tom is nine , and john is ten . John is the
A = oldest
B = older
C = old
D = more old

19. Today's work isn't as ...... As it was yesterday
A = harder
B = hard
C = hardest
D = hardly

20. She wants a ..... String than this to tie the parcel
A = longest
B = long
C = longer
D = more long ​

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Last Update: Tue, 01 Jun 21