miss oktaviana is the fruit shop. she wants to buy

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari hpkahar2018 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Miss oktaviana is the fruit shop. she wants to buy some fruits. here is her conversation with the fruit-seller.the fruit-seller : what can i do for you, madam?
miss oktaviana : i want to buy some apples, please!
the fruit-seller : how many apples do you need?
miss oktaviana : how much is a kilogram?
the fruit-seller : sixteen thousand rupiahs
miss oktaviana : two kilograms, please
the fruit-seller : how about the others?
miss oktaviana : yes, i need a kilogram of oranges. how much is it?
the fruit-seller : fourteen thousand rupiahs. Anithing else?
miss oktaviana : no, thanks

1. where does the dialog happen?
a. in a fruit shop
b. in a greengrocer
c. in a supermarket
d. in a traditional market

2. what is miss oktaviana buying?
a. apples and grapes
b. apples and oranges
c. oranges and papayas
d. oranges and mangoes

3. how much must miss oktaviana pay for apples ?
a. fourteen thousand rupiahs
b. sixteen thousand rupiahs
c. thirty two thousand rupiahs
d. forty six thousand rupiahs

4. how much money does she spend for her shopping?
a. shirty thousand rupiah
b. sixteen thousand rupiahs
c. forty thousand rupiahs
d. forty six thousand rupiahs​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. A. in a fruit shop

2. B apples and oranges

3. C. thirty two thousand rupiahs

4. D. fourty six thousand rupiahs


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Last Update: Sat, 26 Jun 21