September 12th Dear Diary I told my parents I want

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September 12th Dear Diary I told my parents I want to go on a march next weekend to support environmental protection and what I hoped: "Good for you, Beth. they didn't say Brilliant we're really proud of you. No. Mum said: "a march? But marches are really dangerous, aren't they? and Dad said: "You're a bit young. you! - aren t I replied, "Dad, I'm 15 now. I'm not a child. Please don 't I can look after myself. Dad worry. said: "I know you're 15. That makes you a teenager, doesn't it? not an adult!' And he and Mum started laughing. I don't know why. So I tried to explain. I said: "Mum and Dad, global warming is happening now. I'd like to behave like a responsible adult and responsible adults try to do something about problems. And this is a problem! I'm a young adult now and I'm trying to do something. 50 please will think about it? I would like to you go to the march on Saturday. Please. Then I stood up and came upstairs. Now I'm sitting here in my bedroom. I can hear vouces downstairs. Perhaps it's the TV, but actually I think it's my parents arguing. That 's strange they don't usually argue. Well, not with each other1. What is the march next weekend about?
2. What did Beth want her parents to say?
3. What reason does Beth give for wanting to go on the march?
4. Why does Beth think it is strange that her parents are arguing?
dari no 1 sampai 4 itu soal ny bang
minta bantu jawabkan bg senin soal ny di kumpulkan​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.enviromental protection

2."Briliant we're really proud of you

3.she like'd to behave like a responsible adult

4.cause they (beth parent's) don't usually argue

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Last Update: Thu, 20 Oct 22