look around your environment!pay attention to the spesific issue!from one

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari linalina890 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Look around your environment!pay attention to the spesific issue!from one issue ,make dialogue using purpose and disagreement expression !give your opinion in the dialogue,then read you dialogue in the classtolong dibantu

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Untuk membuat dialog menggunakan purpose dan disagreement expression, kita perlu memahami kedua ekspresi tersebut dan bentuk kalimatnya.

Purpose Expression

Dalam purpose expression kita memberitahukan kepada seseorang mengapa kita melakukan hal itu.

Phrase yang sering digunakan dalam purpose expression diantaranya :

to, so as to, in order to, so that, for

Purpose Expression menggunakan to, so as to, dan in order

- She wakes up early in order to be on time for school.
- I do this to improve my conversation skilss.
- I am too tired to cook tonight

Purpose Expression menggunakan so that

- He got a visa so that he can travel to Canada
- He decided to stay in Korea so that he can live close to his family

Purpose Expression menggunakan for. Untuk bentuk ini, setelah for diikuti oleh noun atau verb-ing

- I stay there for a chat
- This tool is for cleaning the sink

Disagreement Expression

Di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dalam meeting diskusi atau percakapan kita mencoba memberitahukan opini kita. Sebagai respon terhadap opini yang kita utarakan ada agreement ataupun disagreement expression. Kita akan bahas disagreement expression.

Phrase yang sering digunakan dalam Disagreement Expression diantaranya :

- I don't think so
- I totally disagree
- I'd say the exact opposite
- I'm afraid I disagree
- That's not always true
- That's not always the case
- No, I'm not sure about that

Contoh dialog menggunakan purpose dan disagreement expression

Anton : Hi Sarah, how are today?

Sarah : Hi Anton, I'm good. How are you?

Anton : Not bad, what are you doing?

Sarah : I am putting this can into a can garbage and food waste into the green bin. I always separate my waste in order to recycle them.

Anton : In my opinion, It's too much work to do. And I don't have time to do that.

Sarah : Well, I don't think so. If you do this regularly you don't need spend too much time to do this.

Anton : No, I'm not sure about that. Why would you do that? doesn't it easier to put all the bin in one place?

Sarah : If you just throw all your waste in the same place you can't recycle them. It's too bad for our environment.

Anton : Oh I see!! But I don't know how we supposed to separate the them?

Sarah : Don't worry. I have a guidance about that, I can give you one copy.

Anton : Thanks. That would be good. See youz later Sarah!

Sarah : See you later, Anton!

Demikian, semoga bermanfaat. Untuk melihat soal-soal lainnya mengenai purpose and disagreement expression dapat dilihat di link berikut ini :


Detail tambahan :

Kelas : 7

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Purpose and Disagreement Expression

Kata Kunci : Disagreement Expression, Pupose Expression, Dialog

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Last Update: Tue, 18 Dec 18