Trappists are monks who are not allowed to preach or

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Trappists are monks who are not allowed to preach or to teach. Their lives are devoted to meditation, studying and reading.In 1949, one group of Trappists fled to Hong Kong from China, leaving behind their houses and their dairy industry. They dressed themselves as labourers and carried only a few possessions.
Here, the monks had to start a new life. They found it difficult to obtain food and they had nowhere to live; but somehow they managed with the help of the community and charitable organizations. It was not until 1995 that the Hong Kong government granted them land on Lantao island.
The monks are not allowed to beg for a living, so they had to work very hard on the island. They started a dairy farm, kept about five hundred chickens and started growing their own vegetables.
A large part of the work of the Trappists is concerned with their dairy. The cows are fed regularly, milked and kept healthy. The dairy, which produces about two thousand bottles of milk a day, brings the monks their main income. The monks sell about half of the milk to a large hotel in Hong Kong, while hospitals and schools buy the rest. The monks also earn some money by selling eggs. Sometimes, the Trappists sell some of their cattle. The monks themselves do not eat meat, however, as they are vegetarians.

17. The Trappists are forbidden to ........
A. obtain food
B. grow vegetables
C. work very hard
D. beg for a living
E. start a dairy farm

18. What is the text about?
A. The monks who never preach or teach.
B. The Trappists on Lantao island.
C. The Trappists' dairy product.
D. The vegetarian monks.
E. The Trappists' new life on Lantao island.

19. What is the main idea of he last paragraph?
A. Managing the dairy is the Trappists' main work.
B. The monks provide milk to a large hotel.
C. The Trappists feed the cows regularly.
D. The Trappists sell eggs for a living.
E. Most of the Trappists' work is related to their dairy.

pls answer ada yg ga tau i hehe .-.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


17. d. beg for a living

18. e. the trappists'new life on Lantao island

19. e. most of the trappists' work is related to their dairy


17. The Trappists are forbidden to (Trappists tidak boleh melakukan...)

Jawabannya d. beg for a living (tidak boleh mengemis)di paragraf 2 kalimatThe monks are not allowed to beg for a living (bhikkhu disana tidak boleh mengemis)

18. What is the text about? (Teks tersebut berisi?)

Jawabannya e. The Trappists' new life on Lantao island (Kehidupan baru trappists di pulau Lantao) , karena teks tersebut berisi kehidupan baru para trappists di pulau Lantao , diceritakan kalau mereka mencari nafkah untuk mebiayai hidup barunya di pulau Lantao.

19. What is the main idea of the last paragraph (apa kalimat utama pada paragraf terakhir?)

Jawabannya e. most of the Trappists' work is related to their dairy (diceritakan bahwa pekerjaan para trappists bersangkutan dengan susu) , di paragraf terakhir diceritakan pengalaman para trappists bekerja menjual susu sapi.

Jadikan jawaban terbaik iy, cemangat belajarnya !!

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Last Update: Wed, 14 Jul 21