1. Mr. Sidik cures patients who have toothache. He is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ekambing pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. Mr. Sidik cures patients who have toothache. He is a . . .a. dentist
b. pharmacist
c. nurse
d. doctor
2. Please take the . . . then sweep the dirty floor!
a. broom
b. chair
c. hammer
d. hoe
3. I always . . . at 4.30 in the morning
a. getting up
b. get up
c. gets up
d. got up
4. He . . . not lazy students
a. is
b. am
c. are
d. be
5. To cut something, we need . . .
6. We use a . . . to drink water
a. plate
b. glass
c. spoon
d. bowl
7. Where does a flight attendant work? She works . . .
a. on the plane
b. on the train
c. on the ship
d. on the bus
8. My mother sometimes . . . fried rice for our breakfast
a. cooks
b. cooked
c. cook
d. cooking
9. My uncle catches fishes in seas. He is . . .
b. fireman
c. fisherman
d. postman
10. A bird sings and a dog . . .
a. barks
b. swims
c. neighs
d. crawls
11. Mrs. Fani . . . a wise teacher
a. are
b. do
c. does
d. is
12. Beni's father is a . . . He plants and grows rice
a. farmer
b. teacher
c. students
d. surgeon
13. Do you always help your mother every morning . . .
a. No, she doesn't
b. Yes, she does
c. Yes I do
d. No, they don't
14. This is my cat. She . . . white fur. She always plays with me.
a. are
b. has
c. have
d. is
15. It's interesting book. I always . . . it every week end
a. is reading
b. reading
c. reads
d. read
16. Tigers are carnivorous animals. They eat . . .
a. meat
b. leaves
c. seed
d. caterpillar
17. A woman who serves customer ordering menus in a restaurant is . . .
a. broker
b. writer
c. waiter
d. waitress
18. My sister . . . to her office on Sundays.
a. goes
b. go
c. does not go
d. do not go
19. Do cows produce milk?
a. No, they don't
b. Yes, they do
c. No, it doesn't
d. Yes, it doesn't
20. Look, at the flowers in the park. Do you think they're beautiful?
a. Yes, they aren't
b. Yes,they are
c. No, they don't
d. No they aren't

bismillahirohmanirohim semoga ada yang bantu amin​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1 Dentist

2 Broom

3 get up

4 is

5 Knife

6 Glass

7 on the plane

8 cooks

9 fisherman

10 Barks

11 is

12 Farmer

13 Yes i do

14 Has

15 Read

16 Meat

17 Waiter

18 GO

19 antara b dan d(bisa dipilih)

20 yes they are




Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh weizerdinaali dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Mon, 31 May 21