The Toxllo forno, 21 201OnER OGMie MuriaMine MuriaGood morniny, mine

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari arfianbagus9 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

The Toxllo forno, 21 201OnER OG
Mie Muria
Mine Muria
Good morniny, mine mustia,
Today we are going to learn about jobs
and Professione. Dent, what does you
My father is a farmer, the plants and
grow rice
That's greats How about you, Dash, what
does your father do?
He is a teacher. He teaches mathematics
in junior high school
That is wonderful! Liea, how about your
mother? What does the do?
She's a housewife. She takes a good care
of us and our house
That's excellent what does your mother
do Udine
She's a surgeon. She performs operations
on her patients.
That is excellents How about you, Edo?
What do you do?
I'm a student
That's good. Now, do you want to know
what your other friends parents do?
Yes, we do.
Mir Mutia
Mis Mulia
Miss Mulia
21. How many students are there in the dialogue?
a 3
d. 6
22. What does Dayu's Father do?
a. He is a farmer
b. He is a teacher
c. He is a surgeon
d. He is a housewife
23. What does a surgeon do?
a. Plants and grow rice
b. Teaches students at school
c. Takes a good care of children
d. Performs operations on patients​

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Last Update: Wed, 02 Jun 21