Task 3. Make a question based on the answer to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari anamh5031 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Task 3. Make a question based on the answer to the underlined word. Numbdone for you.
1. Tono lived in Semarang in 2019.
(?) Where did Tono live in 2019?
Mother cooked beef curry in the kitchen this morning.
3. The students of SMP 1 Kartasura had a picnic in Bali last holiday.
4. Mr and Mrs Rian traveled to London for two weeks in 2019.
5. The boy drank orange juice this morning before going to school.
(?) ......
6. Yola and Yuli made a birthday cake for their Mother last Friday afternoon.
7. Rini spoke English to her friends in English class.
8 Firda swept the floor last Sunday morning, because it was dirt.
(?) .......
9. My brother and I went to the beach last weekend by motorcycle.
(?) ..........
10. The children ran happily around the park.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. What did mother cook in the kitchen this morning?
  2. What did the students of SMP 1 Kartasura have in Bali last holiday?
  3. How long did Mr and Mrs Rian travel to London?
  4. When did the boy drink orange juice?
  5. What did Yola and Yuli make last Friday afternoon?
  6. What did Rini speak to her friends in English class?
  7. Why did Firda sweep the floor last Sunday morning?
  8. How did my brother and I go to the beach last weekend?
  9. How did the children run around the park?


Karena gk ada yg di underlined, jadi saya mengisi pertanyaan nya dr kalimat yg diberikan.

Semoga sesuai.

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Last Update: Sat, 05 Jun 21