Complete the dialogue below with the sentences of 1. Desti

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari gabrielledave7 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Complete the dialogue below with the sentences of 1. Desti Lionel Messi is the best player in the world. ..... (Agreement). Armand : I think the concert is very amazing. (Agreement) Tomorrow, Aura will hold a graduation party. What do you think if we go there by motorcycle? 2. Tiwi Rehan 3. Okta : Diana : Dina 4. Mrs. Happy : Mrs. Mauly: Mrs. Happy : 5. Hana Wisnu ww*** (Disagreement) In my opinion, we ought to just by foot. What do you think Dina? (Agreement) What do you think about the developing of social media at the moment? I think, now, we have to be more careful in social media. ..... (Agreement) Because sometimes social media is dangerous and it can be boomerang for us. I think grammar is not important for us in learning English. (Disagreement)I think grammar is still important even though the native know what we talk about. *****​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Answer :

Complete the dialogue below with the sentences of

1. Desti Lionel Messi is the best player in the world Agree. Armand : I think the concert is very amazing. Agree Tomorrow, Aura will hold a graduation party. What do you think if we go there by motorcycle? 2. Tiwi Rehan 3. Okta : Diana : Dina 4. Mrs. Happy : Mrs. Mauly: Mrs. Happy : 5. Hana Wisnu Disagree in my opinion, we ought to just by foot. What do you think Dina? Agree What do you think about the developing of social media at the moment? I think, now, we have to be more careful in social media. Agree Because sometimes social media is dangerous and it can be boomerang for us. I think grammar is not important for us in learning English. Disagree I think grammar is still important even though the native know what we talk about. *****​

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Last Update: Mon, 21 Nov 22