Last week, Mr. Ariyanto and his family had a picnic

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mutia180220 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Last week, Mr. Ariyanto and his family had a picnic They went to Sanur and Kuta BeachThey left by car at tour in the afternoon Mr Ariyanto drove his car carefully they are at Sanur
et six in the evening. Then they went to a motel near Sanur Beach, they spent the right there
The next day they went to Sanur Beach They went there on foot because the more is not
more than a kilometer from the beach they started early in the morning because they wanted
see sun rise. Aller the sun rose, they enjoyed other activities Mr Ariyanto and his wie looked at a
tourist painting in a small gallery. Their children onloved a bottnp There were glad because they
had never done it before. Al ten o'clock they went back to the motol. They stayed and had lunch
Al four in the afternoon, they left for Kuta Beach They went there by car. Then they walked
along the seashore. They saw some foreign tourists lay on the sand and had a massage, other
were surfing. They spent two hour on Kuta Beach
1. Why did they go to the beach early in the
a. Enjoying a boat trip
b. Looking at paintings
c. Seeing the sun rise
d. Ordering the lunch
How long did it take to Mr. Aryanto's family
to Sanur Beach by car ? hour
B. three hours
C. two hours d. four hours
D.four hours
3. "They stayed and had lunch there
(paragraph 2)
The underlined word refers to
A. motel
b gallery
c. sanur beach
d kuta beach


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. C. Seeing the sun rise

2. C. Two hours

3. A. Motel


They left by car at tour in the afternoon Or They left by car at four in the afternoon?

Kalo four brrti yg no 2 benar :')


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Last Update: Sun, 06 Jun 21