Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sunartierni54 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

* Choose The Correct answers.
1. Can You speak English?
a. No, I Can
c. I Can
b. Yes, I Can't
d) Yes, I can
2. Will you come to my house next week?
a. No, I will
d. I will
b. Yess, I will not e. Yes, I will
3. It is so hot in this room. ..
a. Can you close the door? c. Will you open the door?
b. Can you lock the door? d. Will you shut the door?
4. He is driving the bicycle fast. I am afraid he .....
a. Can hit that tree c. Can arrive there
b. Will hit that tree d. Can jump over the tree
5. An example of an expression of a prohibition is....
a. Don't sleep too late! c. No more food here
b. Never give up!
D. No one believes it
6. An example of an expression of an obligation is shown in .....
a. I think you have to go now
c. Do it now
b. Please, come in
d. Hurry up
7. An example of an expression to give advice is .....
a. Meet me at the bus station c. You should bring extra clothes
b. Put this bag here
d. Enjoy the trip
8. An expression of giving an instruction is.....
Sit down! c. Join us tonight!
b. Don't stop! d. May I go now?
9. An expression of showing prohibition is.....
Sit down!
c. Join us tonight!
b. Don't Stop!
d. May I go now?
10. An expression of inviting others is....
Sit down!
c. Join Us tonight!
b. Don't stop!
d. May I go now?
11. An expression of asking permission is .....
a. Sit down!
c. Join Us tonight!
b. Don't stop
d. May I go now?
12. An expression of giving permission is.....
a. Sit down!
c. Sorry, Im using it
b. Sure, go ahead! D. May I go now?
13. An expression of denying permission is.....
a. Sit down!
c. Sorry, I'm using it
b. Sure, go ahead! d. I have to go now
14. The following options are imperatives, except...
Sit down!
c. Sorry I'm using it
b. Be quiet!
d. Don't eat that food!
15. The expression "You should tell the truth" has the same meaning as.....
a. "You ought to tell the truth"
c. "You get to tell the truth"
b. "You have to tell it the truth"
d. You've got the truth"

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. D. Yes, I can

2. D. Yes, I will

3. C. Will you open the door?

5. C. No more food here

7. C. You should bring extra clothes

8. A. Sit down!

9. B. Don't stop!

10. B. Join Us Tonight!

11. D. May I go now?

13. C. Sorry, I'm using it

Sisanya masih kurang yakin


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Last Update: Sun, 18 Jul 21