Welcome to my house. It is a .........(1) house, I

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ww722335 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Welcome to my house. It is a .........(1) house, I always keep clean .......(2) house . There ......(3) a park. It is very shandy. There are many flowers. They are .......... (4), like red, yellow, pink, green and there are many ...........(5) , They fly. The answering for number 2 is ....( jawaban nomor 2 adalah ) *C. his

B. her

D. your

A. my

Agnes Monica is a .........., her voice is so beautiful. Ilike her song. *

C. Butcher

D. Singer

B. Barber

A. Farmer

Vina is my friend. .......house is at jalan Kapuk muara number 10. *

A. her

C. his

B. my

D. our


Pertanyaan ini wajib diisi

. The giraffes have curly eyelashes. *

B. Jerafah jerafah itu mempunyai bulu mata yang lurus

D. Jerafah jerafah itu mempunyai bulu mata yang gundul.

A. Jerafah jerafah itu mempunyai bulu mata yang tajam

C. Jerafah jerafah itu mempunyai bulu mata yang keriting

Kelinci kamu putih seperti salju *

B. My rabbit is white like snow

C. Her rabbit is white like snow

D. Your rabbit is white like snow

A. His rabbit is white like snow


Pertanyaan ini wajib diisi


The answering for number 11 is ..........

B. dirty

D. shady

C. cute

A. crazy

We put the things on the table. *

D. Kami meletakan benda benda di atas kulkas. 1

A. Kami meletakan benda benda di atas meja.

C. Kami meletakan benda benda diatas lemari.

B. Kami meletakan benda benda di atas kursi.

.........have black and white stripes on their bodies. *

C. Elephants

A. Giraffes

B. Zebras

D. Tigers

That is a ......., it is very comfortable. I usually sit on it. *

A. Chair

D. Television

B. Table

C. Cupboard

Saya selalu membantu ibu saya kapan pun saya bisa. Bahasa Inggrisnya adalah... *

C. I always help my mom when ever I can.

A. I always call my mom whenever I can.

D. I always go with my mom when ever I can.

B. I always visit my mom whenever I can.

Ibu Yolanda mengajar Bahasa Inggris di kelas saya setiap hari Rabu. *

B. Mrs. Yolanda teaches English in my class every Sunday

C. Mrs. Yolanda teaches English in my class every Wednesday

D. Mrs. Yolanda teaches English in my class every Saturday

A. Mrs. Yolanda teaches English in my class every Monday

Taman itu bersih dan teduh *

B. That house is clean and tidy

C. That park is dark and shady

A. That park is clean and shady

D. That house is clean and dirty

His father is a police and her mother is a nurse. *

A. Ayahnya seorang polisi dan ibunya seorang guru.

D. Ayahnya seorang polisi dan ibunya seorang penjahat.

C. Ayahnya seorang polisi dan ibunya seorang penjahit.

B. Ayahnya seorang polisi dan ibunya seorang perawat.

The ............have sharp teeth and powerful leg. *

D. Tigers

B. rabbit

A. chicken

C. giraffes

Welcome to my house. It is a .........(1) house, I always keep clean .......(2) house . There ......(3) a park. It is very shandy. There are many flowers. They are .......... (4), like red, yellow, pink, green and there are many ...........(5) , They fly. The answering for number 1 is ....( jawaban nomor 1 adalah ) *

C. Dark

A. Messy

B. Dirty

D. comfortable

Mr. Komar is a teacher. He ............ *

B. She performs operations on her patients.

C. She takes a good care of us and our house.

D. She teaches us mathematics in Junior high school.

A. She plants and grows flowers.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


A. My

D. Singer

A. Her

C. Jerapah itu mempunyai bulu mata yang keriting

D. Your rabbit is white like snow

(The answer For number 11 is?) maaf tdk ada teks nya jd saya tdk tahu jwb nya

A. Kami meletakan benda² di atas meja

B. Zebras

A. Chair

C. I always help my mom when ever i can

C. Mrs. Yolanda teaches English in my class every wednesday

A. The park is clean and shady

B. Ayahnya seorang polisi dan ibunya seorang perawat

D. Tigers

D. Comfortable

D. (Harusnya HE) , He Teaches us Math



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Last Update: Tue, 08 Jun 21