Competency TestA. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari athaaryani10 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Competency TestA. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, ord
She her dog every day.
to feed
d. feeding
2. |_ always to the dentist.
a. do not, go
c. do not, went
does not, go
d. does not, went
3. When you
a shower?
a. do, took
C. do, taken
b. do, take d. do, taking
: Do you like to sing?
a. Yes, I likes to sing
b. Yes, I like to sing
c. Yes, I am liking to sing
d. Yes, I liked to sing
5. Tom and I
a. do surfing C. do surfs
b. don't 'surfing d. don't surf
6.1 _ breakfast every day at 7 a.m.
a. eat
C. ate
b. to eat
d. eaten
7. Lula : How do you go to school?
Arry : We
our bicycle to school.
a. rode
C. ride
b. ridden
d. riding
8. Doly
: When do you do your homework?
a. I have did my homework at 6 p.m.
b. I did my homework at 6 p.m.
c. I do my homework at 6 p.m.
d. Tam doing my homework at 6 p.m.
10. Quil : Does he love his mother?
Aira : Yes, he ... his mother.
c. to love
a. love
b. loves
d. is loving
11. Danny ... his father on Sundays.
a. phones
c. phoned
b. phone
d. is phoning
12. His students ... German in class.
a. don't speak
c. can't speak
b. doesn't speak d. couldn't speak
13. My father usually
a nap after lunch.
a. is taking c. takes
b. has taken
d. take
14. Every day the security officer at my school
... around the building once every hour.
a. walks
c. to be walking
b. is walking d. walking
15. Fatma : How often do you go to the movie?
Hanna : ... a week, every Saturday
a. Three times once
b. Two times
C. Once
d. Never​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1 feeds

2 don't, go

3 do, take

4 yes, i like to sing

5 don'f surf

6 eat

7 ride

8 i do my homework at 6 pm


10 loves

11 phones

12 don't speak

13 takes

14 walks

15 once

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Last Update: Wed, 12 May 21